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Scottish Soundscape Prize

Scottish Soundscape Prize poster, detailing its sponsors, the UN SDGs that it meets, and how to listen to the entries.



Carmen Rosas-Perez,
Herriot Watt University

'An engaging piece that succinctly explored all elements of the competition brief, journeying the listener through Scottish heritage, culture and the natural environment, heightening a sense of connection with nature, improving the sound environment of the space and noticeably increasing the wellbeing of the listener.’


Congratulations to Carmen!

Watch and listen to their entry below:

Runner Up

Kieran Davis,
University of Salford

‘A well-researched piece which effectively and engagingly told a narrative through references to the natural seasons and weather patterns, convincingly linking the listener’s journey to location and Glaswegian context.'


Well done to Kieran!

Watch and listen to their entry below:

Five judges at internoise, sitting and listening to the soundscapes during their judging.
Two judges at Internoise 2022, sitting close to a screen watching a series of images and listening to the soundscapes during their judging.
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