Rogers P, Matherson C, Woodhams S, Rubio S, Standardising structure-borne noise assessments with heavy impacts for potential gyms in lightweight mixed use structures, Euronoise 2018, May 2018. Download Paper
Rogers P FIOA (2020) Future Noise Mapping & Soundscaping for Wellbeing, Acoustics 2020 virtual conference, 42. 1. 2020. Download Paper
Rogers P, Simpson J (2019) Euphony – A Case for Evolving Acoustics Language to Include Positive or Valued Sound. Download Paper.
A Meeting Acoustic Challenges in Green Buildings 2012 - Making acoustics relevant to applied sustainability - a flagship case study on the new WWF-UK HQ, BRE Watford, 27th Sep 2012
Rogers P and Cowell J (2010) Sustainable Acoustics - Survive, Revive & Enhance, ISSA 2010
Rogers P, Environmental soundscape & wellbeing within a sustainable society, IoA preceedings, IoA Spring Conference 2009
Rogers P, Acoustics & the UK's approach: towards sustainable acoustics. PACS 43. 55. Cs, Sep 2007
Rogers P, C Warren, V A Sondo, Sustainability in Acoustics London 2012. IoA preceedings Vol. 29 2007​
Papers (pre 2003):​
Environmental Noise​
Cogger N and English C (2001) Planning a Change, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 23 (7) pp103-110
English C and Cogger N (1999) An Holistic Approach to Environmental Assessment, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 21 (7) pp29-33
English C (1996) Road Noise: Legislation and Policy, Addressing Transportation Noise - Environmental Noise Barrier Association and Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Joint Seminar, London
English C (1996) Road Noise: Legislation and Policy, Addressing Transportation Noise - Environmental Noise Barrier Association and Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Joint Seminar, London
English C E (1993) Strategies for Controlling Road Traffic Noise, Transport Noise in the '90s Seminar, Borough of Tower Hamlets, London
English C E and Swift C G (1993) Assessing Noise of Wide Motorways, Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 15 (3), pp807-822
English C (1985) Environmental noise and the onshore oil/gas industry, Proceedings of Landward Oil and Gas Conference, IBC Technical Services Ltd, London​​​​​
​Noise Barriers​
English C (2001) High Performance Barriers - Do We Need Them? A Barrier to Noise, Environmental Noise Barrier Association and Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Joint Seminar, London
English C (2000) Effective Environmental Noise Barriers, Joint meeting Roads and Transportation Section and the Civil Division, Institution of Engineers of Ireland, Dublin
English C (2000) Environmental Noise Barriers, Noise Update 2000, National Society for Clean Air, Birmingham
English C E and Kotzen B (1994) Integrating European Scale Barriers into the English Landscape, Environmental Noise Barrier Association and The Institution of Highways and Transportation - A joint seminar. Environmental noise barriers - a new perspective, London
​Building Acoustics​
Cogger N, Building Regulations - Criteria and Expectations, Journal of Building Acoustics, 5, 4, 271-278,1999
Cogger N, The Implications of Structureborne Noise and Vibration from Urban Rail Systems on Sensitive Buildings. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 17, 4, 39-37 1995​
Ship Acoustics and Vibration Control
Autumn/Winter 1995, Contract Communications Ltd, London
English C (1995) Noise and Vibration Control on Fast Catamaran Ferries, International Cruise & Ferry Review,
English C (1978) Noise Levels in Ships, New Code of Practice Discussed, The Naval Architect, September London, pp172
Industrial Noise and Vibration
Cogger N, Groundborne propagation of industrial noise and vibration to housing, Proc IOA, 24, 5, 2002
Publication News

The Scottish Soundscape Prize 2022
Katherine Howlett and Peter Rogers in partnership with Scottish Wildlife Trust
In an exciting new partnership with Scottish Wildlife Trust, the competition explores humanity’s fundamental reliance on nature.
The Shortlist entrants are:
Carmen Rosas
Katie Chatburn
Lewis Dobbs
Matti Cobianchi
In a largely urban UK society, we are exposed to significant amounts of human-generated noise, resulting in a growing negative effect on our cardiovascular health and well-being. Nature sounds are scientifically proven to decrease stress and improve health. Through this competition we aim to positively impact wellbeing and connect listeners with their natural capital so that communities value and seek to protect our natural world.
This project is part of our Pillar 4 strategy to Influence Climate Action in Society, and slots into the congress theme 'Noise Control in a more Sustainable Future'.

Increasing Safety on the London Underground
London Underground public address/ voice alarm (PAVA) system struggles to reach the minimum life safety requirements established by the British Standard 60268-16:2020.
In this key advisory research, Diego Cordes’ calculations placing the acoustic energy closer to the receivers creates less spillage to excite the room, thereby reducing destructive interference and increasing the intelligibility of the PAVA system into the life safety region of over 0.50 STI (Speech Transmission Index).

Gym Noise: a practical guide for Sustainable Cities
Sebastian Woodhams
In today’s society the popularity of gyms is unprecedented due to the societal focus on health and wellbeing. Add to this unpredicted growth of cities and urbanised living and its easy to see why considering noise from gyms is crucial from the outset to ensure gyms can mutually co-exist alongside the existing and future residential demand on city centres.
In this corner-stone paper, Sebastian Woodhams, Senior Consultant, and Chair of the Gym Acoustic Guidance working group, presents a standardised UK approach to facilitate gym growth within a sustainable built environment.

Acoustic Health - how sound and sustainability intersect
A new lexicon
Peter Rogers
This paper argues it is not simply that our environments for the future should be built with a renewable energy capability and a net whole life carbon of zero, to be considered a sustainable asset; but a building must be optimised for those using it with acoustics to meet the needs of future generations.
This key-note paper provides a framework to consider early interventions to maximize positive impact, and at scale, as recommended by the UN Frontiers 22 'Noise, Blazes and Mismatches' report