The impact of environmental noise is a major consideration for developers, planning authorities, and residents, as the impact can prevent the site from being suitable. Delays can be avoided in the planning process if noise issues are addressed early with good acoustic design. High-value soundscapes can be designed to enhance schemes and provide green designs that will work for people and so be truly sustainable.
On many sites, noise pollution can be a challenging obstacle from construction through to planning approval, design and delivery. Careful use of mitigation measures and layouts of the site and good acoustic design can deliver workable solutions from the master-planning stage in very challenging noise environments.
Our work for the planning and environmental aspects of noise includes:
Considering the impact of National Planning policy on housing schemes and existing businesses (Agent of Change) - contact us if you want to know what this means for you
Infrastructure, mixed residential and leisure commercial developments
Road, rail and air transportation schemes
Minerals extraction and waste management
Preparation of environmental statements
Industrial and commercial developments
Transportation schemes
Leisure buildings and stadia
Construction noise and vibration
Expert witness at public inquiries