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Noise at Work

Many employees in Great Britain are exposed to noise levels at work which may be harmful to their hearing. 


The Control of Noise at Work Regulations came into force for the UK on 6 April 2006 aiming to ensure workers' hearing is protected from excessive noise at work.

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Sustainable Acoustics provide practical advice on controlling noise in the workplace in all sectors (including the music industry) and identify good practice to help avoid the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to noise.


Our experienced acoustics consultants carry out thorough Noise at Work Assessments, providing you with a detailed analysis of your employee’s exposure to noise within the workplace.  

We provide detailed and concise surveys which are suited to the requirements of your company and offer realistic solutions and strategies which can be reviewed with a Health and Safety Manager.


The surveys will often include the use of dose badges.

Piano Concert Hall

Case Study - Eggars School, Alton

Eggar's School Music Department commissioned Sustainable Acoustics to complete an assessment of the noise dose of their staff during normal teaching patterns, which led to a week of monitoring and a detailed noise report, with our findings set out and recommendations.  

Noise measurements from a school.

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