The ability to let off explosions/special effects, and film on locations near residents introduces a unique need for our services to keep cameras rolling. We gladly enter into NDAs to protect our trusted clients and the films they are creating.
Whether on a studio sub lot or location, the challenge is to minimise the risk of complaints which could paralyse a shoot. We work with some of the UK's best-known film studios and with production and special effects teams to provide a best practice shield for operations that are time and cost-sensitive.
Our work for film sets and location noise control includes:
Liaison with local authority
Initial noise audit for proposed activities
Prediction checks for SFX, and noise modelling levels at the nearest noise-sensitive housing
Drafting Event Noise Management Plans tailored to the location and applying industry best practice
Recommending mitigation to minimise noise and air over-pressure waves from large SFX impacts
Noise and vibration live monitoring at sensitive locations for damage thresholds of complaint thresholds
Managing noise communications during shoots to keep monitoring staff on track
Hand-holding through shoots for particularly challenging conditions
Preparing "wrap" noise compliance reporting, which can be shared with the local authority or used to refine the approach for future shoots
Expert witness at court if necessary to prove best practicable means were in place