The noise and vibration impact from construction activities can be very disturbing and can continue for considerable periods close to residents.
We have significant experience in construction monitoring projects of all types.
We provide services for remote monitoring levels, live text alerts and reporting and also the carrying out of predictive impact assessments on all sizes of construction sites, offering liaison and negotiation services with local authorities where prior consents (Section 61 Applications) or Section 60 notices under the Control of Pollution Act, 1974 where needed.
We also provide assessments according to BS5228:2009 (as amended in 2014) to predict construction noise levels if needed, and recommend mitigation.
Case Study - Kings Cross:
The King’s Cross Central development is an ongoing 15-year construction plan coordinated by property developers King’s Cross Central General Partner Limited. A commitment was made in the Code of Construction Practice for the project to undertake noise monitoring for the project.
We have commenced work now on Brent Cross, which is a similar scale site.