In buildings, good acoustic conditions are vital for occupants' ability to function and feel comfortable. The aesthetics, quality and comfort of the space are crucial, as sound is a nutrient. Without this, even the greenest building can’t claim to be truly sustainable until it works for the people using it.
We provide design advice on a wide range of public, commercial and educational buildings to deliver internal acoustic conditions that support the intended use, but also aim to create a high-quality environment, for end-users.
When buildings are designed to be green and designed well for their specific use, and to be adaptable for future uses then they are truly sustainable. Acoustics forms a vital part of the design solution.

Our service will include the control of break-out noise from building services to the surrounding community, assisting speech intelligibility to be good where it needs to be and poor where privacy is wanted; controls of noise build-up in spaces and break-in sound from the outside environment is also part of the service we offer. By controlling the unwanted noise and allowing the sound that has value (such as that created by nature), we can strengthen our connection with the natural world and create soundscapes with value.
There are some key aims for acoustic design in different spaces:
Education: If students can’t hear, they can’t learn. We aim to create schools which benefit both pupils and teachers, supporting the creation of high-quality learning environments for all. Getting the acoustics right is critical to preserve teachers' voices, so their health and for children to better retain information. We can provide good quality spaces for those with special hearing needs (as a retrofit or new-build) that will benefit all and have particular expertise in this area.
Residential: Our homes are where we rest, recharge and spend time with friends and our families. They can be a small oasis in our noisy world, and it is vital to our well-being to have privacy and a place to truly unwind. We provide acoustic design advice to meet the requirements of Building Regulations and BREEAM for residential developments, but we can go much further to achieve better homes. We work with architects to optimise designs and also provide advice on materials with good eco-credentials. We specialise in floor refurbishments, whether there are changes from carpet to hard floors, and have extensive experience working on Listed Buildings.

Workplace: By getting our work environments right, we can maximise human efficiency, improve performance and comfort, and crucially minimise sickness and stress. We bring a fresh approach to creating pleasant, healthy and vibrant work environments which are tailored to the needs of your company or organisation. In addition to our basic service, we also offer the ability to shape and design soundscapes to create improved masking and privacy and enhance people’s connection using positive sound in their work environment. Peter Rogers' work on WWF's Award-winning new HQ in Woking and MARS UK HQ offices make us market leaders in this area.
Public Buildings: The acoustic design of public buildings, such as libraries, courts, churches, theatres, leisure centres and cinemas, is fundamental to their use. We have significant experience with these building types, understanding the importance of intelligibility of speech and control of interference from external noise. We can create specific spaces for music, cinema or public speaking.